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Regional Foreign Trade Office

Introduction and Major Tasks

The Daejeon Overseas Trade Office of Shenyang is working as a reliable partner in the advancement into the Chinese market (Dongbei provinces etc.) for SMEs in the city of Daejeon.

The Daejeon Overseas Trade Office of Nanjing is carrying out trade support activities including finding chinese buyers, market survey etc, attract investments from Internationl businesses, publicize the investment environment of Daejeon, promote interaction of culture, sports, support teenage activities between Daejeon and Chinese local government, conduct supporting business including market trends of country of sojourn and adjacent countries and investigation of industry information.

  • 01 Support Trade activities of SMEs in Daejeon
    investigate the local market trend and policies
    • investigate information including local buyers and market trends
    • investigate relevant policies including industry, economy, trade, administration of China
  • 02 hold business conferences held by the Trade Office
    Hold business conferences between Daejeon and China
    • Hold a business conference annually in Nanjing and consult with local buyers and carry forward field sales
  • 03 support participations in exhibitions inside China
    support business trips to SMEs that participate in various exhibitions in the three Dongbei provinces and Beijing.
  • 04 Support business exchange
    play a part in localizing SMEs in Daejeon and establish networks with organizations and businesses to efficiently support entering the Chinese Market
  • 05 Permanent Exhibition of products from Daejeon and enhancement of publicity
    operate a permanent exhibition room for the excellent products of Daejeon and actively support promotion by distributing pamphlets and USB hard drives to visitors and Prime buyers.
Available Facilities of Daejeon Overseas Trade Office of Shenyang.

Daejeon Product exhibition hall, Daejeon Publicity Center, Library, video room and conference room (provide office room and various services for visiting enterprises)